4.2.1 GL Account

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4.2.1 GL Account

Later in the “Events” Section, it will be explained how individual losses resulting from risks can be logged and reported; these can be monetary and non-monetary losses. This data can also be used in a vital function; loss prediction. Because this data is so valuable to the system it is important that the monetary aspect captured in CAREwebis reconciled to the loss data recorded in the organization's General Ledger. Accordingly, the module that captures the data about these losses has a provision for the user to record the General Ledger account to be used by Finance to record the loss. Details of the possible General Ledger loss accounts are stored here. Click on "Add New" button to set up new accounts and the Version 6_img152 button on the right-hand side to save the record. Entries can be letters, numeric or alphanumeric.

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