<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Navigation: 4REFERENCES > 4.1 General References > 4.1.15 Dashboard Configuration |
Finally, it is possible to configure how to display key data on the Dashboard screen. Click on "Dashboard Configuration" to bring up the following screen:
The screen allows you to configure and customize the Compliance and Event Dashboards.
First you have to select whether you would like to customize the Main dashboard, Internal Audit, Compliance, Corporate Governance, Notifications or Event module dashboards from the “Module” drop down list available at the top of the screen as the following:
The numbers presented in the table refer to the charts’ position/sequence within the dashboard (i.e., 1 refers to the first chart that will be presented in the dashboard). Accordingly, select the chart number then select the chart you would like the dashboard to present from the “Charts” drop-down list as shown below:
After selecting the chart, you can customize the colour scheme and select the chart type (bar chart; pie chart).